BOOK REVIEW #8 Ek Pret Lekhan – Yogesh Mittal

If you are interested in popular Hindi fiction this “behind the scenes” book will surely interest you. Yogesh Mittal has written hundreds of books, magazine articles, and poems and edited & proofread hundreds more. But so far his name has not been popular or well-known. As the author himself says, it is because he wrote primarily as a ghostwriter.

The book gives a ring-side view of the 60s, 70s and 80s and the struggle of writers and publishers in the slippery and challenging world of popular Hindi books and its centres in Meerth and Delhi. With this book, you can find out how the publishers and writers were alike in real life.

Yogesh ji has done a great job in this book and masterfully woven his story, struggle with ill health, and financial challenges with the story of the publishing world. People come alive and scenes play in your mind when you read the book. His honesty, sincerity and the amazing art of storytelling come through the book. Already waiting for the sequel.

My rating: 9/10.

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